Resin of adhesion (base styrene butadiene) that allows the appliance of any substrates or mortar of repair.
Mode of application: Apply by roller 300 to 400 gr/m² of pure product. The mortar can be applied one to three hours after the implementation of still sticky SURFACOLLE M3.
If the first layer is dried, apply a second layer to obtain a sticky appearance.
S URFAPRIM AL- Fixing primer
Solvent and fast epoxy resin, white colour.
Two components: Resin, hardener.
Due to its excellent sticking power, SURFAPRIM AL allows adherence of paintings and self-leveling mortars. The coatings will be applied on dry primer.
Mode of application: Apply SURFAPRIM AL with roller 200 to 300 gr/m² for a layer, on a dry, free of pulverulent, degreased, homogeneous resistant and slightly porous...
S URFAPRIM TR - Adhesion primer
Solvent-free, slightly thixotropic, colourless epoxy resin.
Two components: Resin, hardener
Mode of application: After mechanical preparation of the substrate (sanding, bush hammering or shotblasting), apply by roller to the dry, non powdery, dust-free, degreased, uniform strength and slightly porous substrate at a rate of 200 to 300 gr/m² per layer.
Two coats might be required on porous or cracked substrates.
The information contained in this leaflet is provided for guidance based on our lnowledge. It does not constitute a waiver of our terms and conditions of sale an shall in no event imply any waranty by us or render us liable with regard to the use of our products.
For each project, a study should be jointly conducted with us.