Surfadur "The Ultimate Hardener" - Surface hardeners
URFADUR is a top-of-range surface hardener consisting of:
A very high-hardening, powdery surfacing compound with virtually no shrinkage, consisting of binders and special mineral and metalloid materials with high binding affinities and whose proportions and size distributions are specific and complementary and a specially binder that prevents ravelling of aggregates and increases resistance to chemical attack.
A liquide resin (synthetic resin emulsions) for a treatment.
Documentation of the product at the following format:
lease fill the form or get in contact with us if you need information on our product.
Sprinkling of 3 to 5 kg of dry powder per m². The basic minimum quantity can be increased according to the desired colour and finish). The quantity must be applied to the properly prepared surface of concrete or mortar still in the pasty phase. Float then smooth preferably with a powerfloat, spray the dust preventing resin at a rate 80 gr/m². Do not touch until fully hardened.
3 kg/m² for smooth surfaces.
5 kg/m² for anti-slip coating (sheep skin, swept), or bright colors (glossy).
C haracteristics
Wear resistance:
Test with SF abrasion tester developed by our Laboratory demonstrated that the wear resistance of SURFADUR is 60 times higher than a standard mortar without hardener and 3 to 10 times greater than standard products of the market. The results have been achieved with the specific composition of SURFADUR allowing a hardening and homogenous performance that avoid aggregates ravelling due to less resistance intergranular binder on basic products
Compressive strength: approx. 1200 kg/cm²
Resistance to dynamic indentation (blasting): indentation diametre resulting from 30 mm diameter ball falling 1.60 m = 5 mm
Resistance to static perforation: lower 50 kg/f, 0.1 mm indentation
Le SURFADUR is suitable for all floors subjected to traffic and wear due to high mechanical stresses (traffic, abrasion, rolling...) and in all areas where completely dust-free is required. Le SURFADUR can be finished with a smooth of granular appearance depending on the required result.
P ackaging
Powder: 25 kg sacks
Resin: 5, 10 or 20 kg plastic containers
Powder / 6 months in original packaging in dry place
Resin / 3 months frost and intense heat free
J oints
SURFADUR is incorporated into a screed or concrete slab. The screeds or slabs will be seal divided: contraction joints, expansion joints, insultion joints, construction joints. The joints must comply with the instructions of the DTU (Technical Institute for practice) or ITBTP (unified code for Building and Public Works) journal applicable to the selected solution.
As written in the DTU 13.3 (chapter 5 page 13) : "As the cracking of reinforced concrete or not is linked to the kind of material, the aim of the document is to prevent the density and prorogation of cracks without pretending to avoid them".
C olouring
SURFADUR is available in natural grey or colored in red, brown, green, ochre, soft grey, dark grey or black and also in off-white, pink beige, soft yellow or soft green lightened versions.
The colouring applied on the fresh concrete will depends on the concrete drying on which it is embedded.
It is obviously impossible to obtain the final appearance before the complete drying and before a slippage of the surface due to its using.
The selection of a poured in place concrete might take in account these essential physical parameters.
It is impossible to evaluate the appearance of a surface before 6 weeks of drying or right after the removal of the protection.
Please note that prefabricated slabs are available for the SURFAPLAN (max. size 1.20 m x 1.20 m).
The slabs dry in our workshop and are delivered with a final appearance on the site. They are recommended for the small surfaces or if the term is less than 2 months between the pouring and the delivery on sites.
F inishing
It is recommended to apply a protective resin or wax type SURFANET E (satin aspect) or SURFANET R (wet aspect) on dry SURFADUR (4 to 5 weeks after the pouring) when using the SURFADUR for decorative surfaces.
Apply the SURFANET R or E on interior or exterior surfaces as following:
Interior finishing: smoothed
Exterior finishing: floated, “skin sheep”,
The final appearance of the SURFADUR entirely depends on the mechanical smoothing for the smoothed surfaces.
It is impossible to mechanically smooth the angles or the shell edges. Plinths, wall coating and prefabricated slabs should be preferred.
M aintenance
Apply SURFADUR improves the performances and appearance of the concrete (flooring or screed) but it does not modify the type of media that might be exposed to the traffic and be maintained as each screed or a concrete according to the “Maintenance of DTU 13.3” (Technical Institute for practice).
C olouring chart
Choice of colours.
Warning: "Despite all the care in the manufacturing of our products, a light difference in colour can appear between the colour chart and the performed coating"
Soft grey
Natural grey
Dark grey
Mouse grey
Light green
Light white
Soft brown
Pastel orange
Sunset yellow
Yellow 960
Light yellow 930
Clear yellow 960
Red 130
M aintenance and cleaning of surfaces
It is clearly impossible to precisely define the frequency and the cost for cleaning the surface treated with one or another of our products. The maintenance of surface mainly depends on the type and the heaviness of the traffic and stain.
However, whatever the surface is, some basic rules have to be pointed out...
The information contained in this leaflet is provided for guidance based on our lnowledge. It does not constitute a waiver of our terms and conditions of sale an shall in no event imply any waranty by us or render us liable with regard to the use of our products. For each project, a study should be jointly conducted with us.
The choice of the thickness of SURFADUR to be applied must take into account the quality of substrate, and the required finish and performance.