T he SURFATEK is a trowelable mortar composed of high-density natural decorative aggregates, selected for their complementary design and size and of high performance binder with balanced contraction. It is wear resistant, resistant to chemical attack, unaffected by oils and hydrocarbons, animal manure and standard cleaning products. It might be applied on a fresh concrete (SURFATEK) or old concrete (SURFATEK resin).
Documentations of the product at the following format:
lease fill the form or get in contact with us if you need information on our product.
The thickness of the SURFATEK surface should change according to the aggregates size selected by the architect:
Aggregates 0 to 4 = thickness 8 mm
Aggregates 0 to 6 = thickness 10 mm
Aggregates 0 to 10 = thickness 15 mm
Aggregates 0 to 14 = thickness 19 mm
Aggregates 0 to 25 = thickness 30 mm
Le SURFATEK enables to produce decorative surfaces type "Granito" ou "Terrazzo" aspect.
M ode of application
Apply the SURFATEK grout on a micro-concrete support or a fresh levelled drawn concrete
(-) 8 to (-) 30 mm and initially floated
It is then end-level drawn and carefully floated.
Spray the surface 80 gr/m2 with dust proofer PULVERSTOP after the floating.
24 hours later, saw the contraction joints every 5 m in both direction.
If the drying time of the concrete is over 24 hours: apply a primary layer SURFACOLLE 0.4 kg/m2 then apply SURFATEK F/F on the sticky SURFACOLLE.
If the concrete support is old: sandblast, remove the dust and rehydrate it. The day after, apply SURFACOLLE then SURFATEK RESIN, end-level draw, carefully float and spray PULVERSTOP 80 gr/m2. The joints might meet the current joints on the support and define panels max. 5 m x 5 m.
It is recommended to cover the joints with flexible joints and to apply two layers of finishing resin SURFANET E or R (after at least 3 to 4 weeks of drying time).
The DTU 54.1 requires 1 MPA minimum value
for the most exposed area P4-P5
Deep abrasion
NF EN 102
32.5 mm
The U4 value is reached if < 42 mm
Fire classification
A2fl – S I (old MO)
Best enable value for a cast flooring
Roughness measurement
Friction pendulum
The value changes from 0.39
to 0.65 (classification P.18-578) according to the finishing.
Reminder: The cast floorings have no intrinsic
value to the smoothness. The tool used for the finishing defines the performance.
In short, the SURFATEK provides the most due performance for the adherence, wear resistance, fire resistance and smoothness on a cast flooring.
C olouring - Decorating
The compositions and the colourings of SURFATEK may consist of 10 colors of aggregates, 5 grain sizes and more than 10 colors of binder. Extensive options are offered with several finishings:
Micro bush hammered, bush hammered, skin sheep, rough sanded, soft sanded, polished,
brilliant polished, smoothed
The finishing resin: wet effect (SURFANET R) or matt satin effect (SURFANET E)
Straigth sawn 2.7 to 3 mm, sawn with bevelled edge (1 to 2 cm), lawned or metallic joints (only for interior floors and out of heated floor)
The finishings offer to create strips, drawings, layout and colors almost without limitation and preserving the qualities of a continuous monolithic floor. Decorative joints might be added.
Samples are provided for guidance, but they can in no way be considered to be reference colors invoked against LES DURCISSEURS FRANÇAIS company.
F ield of application
Thanks to its assets, SURFATEK is a suitable product for all indoor and outdoor concrete floors subjected to all high traffic, whatever they are.
The thickness of the concrete support may be modified to reach the required performances acccording to the specified loads
The support can be a carefully compacted fill, a stone hedgehog or a cement-treated on the SURFATEK treated concrete Westergard coefficient: k ≥6. SURFATEK may also be applied on an existing structural concrete. It will be sticky or uncoupled according to the thickness of the concrete or the micro-concrete applied with the SURFATEK.
J oints
SURFATEK is incorporated into a screed or concrete slab. These screeds or slabs are divided by seals: contraction joints, expansion joints, insulating joints, construction joints. These joints must comply with the DTU instructions applied to the selected technique for the execution of the concrete base.
“As the cracking of the reinforced concrete or not is an inherent phenomenon to the type of material, the current document aims to limit the density and cracking openings without pretending to avoid them” according to the DTU 13.3 (chapter 5 page 13)
D escription
SURFATEK F/F Apply on fresh concrete Apply a decorative mortar SURFATEK F/F (LES DURCISSEURS FRANCAIS) on a levelled drawn and floated fresh concrete.
The mortar is composed of hard, decorative aggregates and a special colored binder, resistant to oils and hydrocarbons. 48 to 96 hours after the floating, it will be bush hammered or sanded, then after 3 to 4 weeks of drying time, apply 2 layers of finish resin SURFANET R or E.
The mortar has to show the mechanical and chemical performances at least similar to the one defined on the technical specification
The architect will choose the tint of the bottom, colors or aggregates size and grains surface.
Expansion joints, contraction joints, insulating joints and construction joints will be filled with flexible epoxy mastic.
SURFATEK RESIN - Apply on old concrete
After dusting, apply an adhesion primer SURFACOLLE on old first shotblasted or planed concrete.
On the sticky primer, apply a decorative mortar type SURFATEK (from LES DURCISSEURS FRANCAIS)
It will consist of various decorative aggregates, a high performance binder and an acrylic resin.
48 to 72 hours after the floating, it will be bush hammered or sanded, then after 3 to 4 weeks of drying time, apply 2 layers of finish resin SURFANET R or E.
The mortar has to show the mechanical and chemical performances at least similar to the one defined on the technical specification of SURFATEK.
The architect will choose the tint of the bottom, colors or aggregates size and grains surface.
Expansion joints, contraction joints, insulating joints and construction joints will be filled with flexible epoxy mastic.
M aintenance
The SURFATEK improves the performance and the aspect of the support concrete (screed or slab) but it does not modify the type of support that remains a screed or a slab. Thus, as all the concrete floors subjected to traffic, refer to the maintenance chapter “DTU Maintenance 13.3” for the maintenance.
P ackaging
25 to 30 kg sacks or 800 to 1200 kg big-bags
Storage :
6 months in original packaging in a dry place
M aintenance and cleaning of surfaces
It is clearly impossible to precisely define the frequency and the cost for cleaning the surface treated with one or another of our products. The maintenance of surface mainly depends on the type and the heaviness of the traffic and stain.
However, whatever the surface is, some basic rules have to be pointed out...
The information contained in this leaflet is provided for guidance based on our lnowledge. It does not constitute a waiver of our terms and conditions of sale an shall in no event imply any waranty by us or render us liable with regard to the use of our products. For each project, a study should be jointly conducted with us.
The choice of the thickness of SURFATEK to be applied must take into account the quality of substrate, and the required finish and performance.