C opyright ?
The design, scripts, images are the property of Les Durcisseurs Français. All rights reserved. For any request, please
send it to:
Les Durcisseurs Français
6, boulevard de Strasbourg
F-77600 Bussy Saint Georges
W ebsite service
It works with the major part of the browsers. If you have difficulties, please open a new browser.
Our website is optimized for Firefox - Google Chrome - Internet Explorer
Touch tablet - Smartphones It is compatible with touch tablets and smartphones with Android and Apple
F lash animation
The website do not have Flash animation and is compatible with all the tablets.
S ocial networks
FlickR Gallery : on the right site of the website, 6 thumbnails give acces to the FlickR Gallery of Les Durcisseurs Francais.
If you click, you will discover the gallery of sites with photos in high format.
Vous aurez accès à la galerie des Durcisseurs Francais avec les légendes et photos en grand format.
Facebook : page under construction
Twitter :Stay informed of our sites in progress or our last sites on our account "@Durcisseurs_Fr"
O ur data
We do not authorize any email operation for commercial purposes (e-mailing, advertising...). It is a confidential email address.
Any application process will be automatically refused.