Surfanet E. "Satin appearance" - Film-formings of finishing
S URFANET E.protects substrates from various type of staining, slightly oily substances, foodstuffs...
Facilitates floor cleaning by preventing ingress of foreign bodies.
Documentations of the product at the following format:
lease fill the form or get in contact with us if you need information on our product.
Apply by spraying onto a dry floor.
Permissible application temperatures: + 6°C min. to+ 32°c max.
On absorbent substrates, apply a second layer as soon as the first is dry
On low-absorption substrates, apply a single layer
Whitening may be observed under conditions of high humidity. This effect will subsequently tend to disappear. Light traffic 12 hours later.
Drying :
On average 3 hours at 20°C (the film will no longer dilute in presence of water)
7 hours at low temperatures from 6°C to 10°C.
C haracteristics
White acrylic type emulsion
PH is approx. 8.5
The density is 1.07 ± 0,01
Viscosity on Brookfield LVF viscometer: 600 Max mPAS
Average quantity required for 2 layers:
Smooth: 100 to 150 gr/ m²
Ground: 150 to 200 gr/m²
Bush hammered: 300 to 400 gr/m²
S uitable surfaces
SURFADAL smoothed
SURFAPLAN ground, bush hammered, smoothed or sheepskin
SURFATEK ground, bush hammmered or floated
ISOXYL fine-grained, ground or floated
Deactivated concrete
P ackaging
20 kg jerrican
Storage: 6 months in the original packaging
M aintenance
The filler can be reapplied every 1 to 5 years depending on the cleaning and floor traffic (see maintenance instructions).
H ealth and safety
Keep packaging tightly closed
Store in a well-ventilated place
Take normal safety precautions to handle a chemical
Gloves, goggles
Do not eat, drink or smoke during application
Avoid inhalation of fumes.
O ther products
The information contained in this leaflet is provided for guidance based on our lnowledge. It does not constitute a waiver of our terms and conditions of sale an shall in no event imply any waranty by us or render us liable with regard to the use of our products.
For each project, a study should be jointly conducted with us.