SURFANET R. is a copolymer colourless resin, in solvent phase, a non-staining that protects against water, oil and grease infiltrations and ease care. It gives a wet appearance to the surface that revives the natural colour...
S URFANET E.- Finishing resin - Satin appearance
SURFANET E. protects substrates from various type of staining, slightly oily substances, foodstuffs...
Facilitates floor cleaning by preventing ingress of foreign bodies...
S URFANET PU. Dual Component - Protection of concrete soil or resin
The SURFANET P.U. is a dual component polyurethane resin originating from the reaction of two components: an isocyanate and hydroxylated acrylic resin.
It produces a hard colourless protection for an easy cleaning, ovoiding the stain penetration and not yellowing. The SURFANET P.U. results in two aspects: matt or satin
S URFANET M - Mineralizer for mineral surfaces
The SURFANET M is a solution for the consolidation and the waterproofing of mineral porous surfaces. The SURFANET M has a high penetrating ability by capillarity that enables to deeply process the substrates.
S URFAPOX FL - Finishing resin
Colourless and solvent-free epoxy finishing resin.
Two components:
SURFAPOX FL is a colourless and shiny finishing resin to be applied on concrete or existing resin.
As result, the substrate is free-dust and easy to clean. Do not use on concrete with hazards of shock or shifting of blunt objects
It should be maintained regularly.
SURFAPOX FL is an excellent complement of spangled self-levellings, trowellable mortars and coloured quartz mortars...
The information contained in this leaflet is provided for guidance based on our lnowledge. It does not constitute a waiver of our terms and conditions of sale an shall in no event imply any waranty by us or render us liable with regard to the use of our products.
For each project, a study should be jointly conducted with us.