PULVERSTOP is an aqueous dispersion of vinyl acetate copolymer and acrylic ester. PULVERSTOP removes the dehydration of the surface and prevent the cement from changing and forming a fragile crust with high contraction. Primar causes of the concrete dusting will be deleted.
S URFADUR® "The Ultimate Hardener"
SURFADUR is a top-of-range surface hardener consisting of:
A very high-hardening, powdery surfacing compound with virtually no shrinkage, consisting of binders and special mineral and metalloid materials...
S URFAMETAL® "High shock resistance"
The ready-to-use pulverulent SURFAMETAL consists of ductile metallic flakes and high-resistance binder stimulated by chemical addition. These characteristics give a perfect coating protecting the binder and ovoiding the ravelling. SURFAMETAL shields the floor and guarantees a high shock and abrasion resistance. The obtained surface is rough or smooth but non slip...
S URFADAL "Resistant to traffic"
The ready-to-use hardener SURFADAL consists of an aggregates mix, a full grading range and cement CPA 55.
The production of SURFADAL in our factory of URVILLE according to a rigourous process guarantees a perfect constancy of manufacturing, as for all the products of our range...
S URFAQUARTZ "The basic"
The ready-to-use hardener SURFAQUARTZ consists of a crushed flint mix, a full grading range and cement CPA 52.5.
The production of SURFAQUARTZ in our factory of URVILLE according a rigourous process guarantees a perfect constancy of manufacturing, as for all the products of our range...
S URFASTEEL "High Resistance planimetry"
SURFASTEEL is a ready to use product compound with crushed aggregates and glitters of ductile iron for their complementary hardness, design, dimension forming a full grading range.
To facilitate the implementation, rise the performance and decrease the shrinkage, a high resistance concrete binds aggregates together, stimulated with adding of chemicals...
S URFAPLAN® "High resistance planimetry"
The ready-to-use SURFAPLAN consists of various types of crushed aggregates selected for their complementary hardness, design and size thus forming a full grading range.
To facilitate the implementation, rise the performance and decrease the shrinkage of SURFAPLAN, a high resistance concrete binds aggregates together, stimulated with adding of chemicals...
The information contained in this leaflet is provided for guidance based on our lnowledge. It does not constitute a waiver of our terms and conditions of sale an shall in no event imply any waranty by us or render us liable with regard to the use of our products.
For each project, a study should be jointly conducted with us.