The SURFANET M is a solution for the consolidation and the waterproofing of mineral porous surfaces. The SURFANET M has a high penetrating ability by capillarity that enables to deeply process the substrates.
M ode of application
The SURFANET M can be used as a preventive or curative treatment on mineral porous material such as: stones, terracotta, slates, concrete, restored slabs, granite, tile joints… indoor as well as outdoor, on dry surfaces. Apply 1 or 2 lays of 100 gr/m² up to saturation
The treated substrates with SURFANET M can not be covered with another coating.
C haracterics
Liquide limpide
11< pH < 14
8 to 10 m²/litre according to the type and aspect of the surface
Lower to 300 g/L
PVC: The values shown in the EC Directive 1999/13 are theorical calculated values.
C onditions of application
Protect the glazed surfaces, the aluminium or PVC window and door frames, the paintings, the woodwork, the cars, the metal…
Do not apply in full sun.
Do not apply in case of freezing conditions or risk of freeze within hours following the application.
Do not spray in case of strong wind.
Shake the product before use for homogenisation.
Apply one or 2 layers up to saturation with a roller, a brush or a low pressure sprayer
Do not overload. Remove any excess before drying to avoid white marks.
Ensure good ventilation/exhaustion at the workplace.
Keep away from food products, avoid contact with eyes and skin.
Use gloves, protective gear, tightly sealed goggles.
R egulation
CLASSIFICATION CORROSIVE classification upon the.(EC) n°1272/2008.
See the safety data sheet for more information.
C leaning
Clean the tools with water immediatly after using.
Do not leave the product in the sprayer
O ther products
The information contained in this leaflet is provided for guidance based on our knowledge.
It does not constitute a waiver of our terms and conditions of sale and shall in no event imply any warranty by us or render us liable with regard to the use of our products.
For each project, a study should be conducted jointly with us.