SURFANET P.U. Dual Component.
Protection of concrete soil or resin
he SURFANET P.U. is a dual component polyurethane resin originating from the reaction of two components: an
isocyanate and hydroxylated acrylic resin.
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The SURFANET P.U. is a dual component polyurethane resin originating from the reaction of two components: an isocyanate and hydroxylated acrylic resin.
It produces a hard colourless protection for an easy cleaning, ovoiding the stain penetration and not yellowing. Le SURFANET P.U. results in two aspects: matt or satin
M ode of application
Le SURFANET P.U.,150 gr/m² per layer on a clean, dry and undust surface (1 or 2 cross coats depending on the condition of the surface). The parts A and B are mixed during 5 minutes with a low speed mechanical mixer, then use a roller or a brush to apply on the surface. Drying: free dust 20 minutes after applying. Touch proof: 1or 2 hours after applying.
If a second layer is requested, it may be applied at least after 3 to 4 hours of drying.
C hacacteristics
1/ Components
Part A
Part B
Fluid liquid
Viscous liquid
Density (approx.)
1 kg/l
1.170 kg/l
Dry extract in weight
Approx. 28 %
Approx. 42%
2/ Mix
Use report in weight
87% A - 13% B
Density 23°C
Approx. 1.10 kg/l
Mix viscosity
Approx. 1500 MPa
Using time
Approx. 15 to 20 minutes at 20°C
COV value:
Lower to 300 gr/l max.* *COV : Values for the directive EC 1999/13
AFNOR Classification
Standard T36 005 - Range I - Class 6a
C onditions of Application
A pavement or a concrete screed after a minimum of 4 or 5 weeks of drying, relative humidity below to 70 % and temperatures between 10 to 35°C.
Free dusting during 1 hour.
No appliance in full summer sun.
Recovery time: min. 3 to 4 hours.
Full hardening: 7 days.
P ackaging
5, 10 or 15 kg kit
Storage: 1 year in the original packaging, temperatures between 10 to 35°C.
Keep ignition sources away. Protect against electrostatic charges.
P recaution for use
Ensure good ventilation/exhaustion at the workplace,
Avoid formation of aerosols,
Use gloves, protective gear, tightly sealed goggles
R egulation
FLAMMABLE. DANGER TO HUMAN HEALTH, May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. TOXIC for aquatic organisms with longterm adverse effects. Causes severe eye and skin irritations
May cause respiratory irritation.
May cause drowsiness or dizziness.
See the safety data sheet for more information.
C leaning
Water cleaning immediatly after using tools.
Do not flush cleaning water into sewer.
O ther products
The information contained in this leaflet is provided for guidance based on our knowledge.
It does not constitute a waiver of our terms and conditions of sale and shall in no event imply any warranty by us or render us liable with regard to the use of our products. For each project, a study should be conducted jointly with us.