Wallcovering specially designed for the food processing, pharmaceutical, industries.... SURFAPOX MURAL consists of several layers of eposy resins without solvent, with or without reinforcement, glass fibre and various finishes.
M ode of application
To a prepared, sound dry substrate, whose imperfections have been corrected (it is recommanded that a concave moulding be created in the corners of wall, with a resin mortar or a special profile), apply an adhesion primer SURFAPRIM AL on a porous substrate or SURFAPRIM TR on normal susbrate, 200 to 300 gr/m² depending on the condition of substrate.
When the primer is tacky, apply a glass mat; impregnate it with SURFAPRIM TR
After drying, apply one or more finishin coats of SURFAPOX MURAL at a rate of 400 gr/m².
Optional decorative finish by spraying multicoloured flakes.
Drying time: 24 hours
Full cure and chemical resistance will be achieved after 8 days
Application temperature: substrate betwenn 10° and 30°C
C haracteristic
Continuous seamless application
Smooth surface or "orange peel" finish
Withstands frequent washing
Water resistance
Easy to clean
Thickness of 650 µ to approx. 2 mm, depending on the coating selected and the number of layers
Resistant to most dilute chemicals
Optional decorative finish
Odourless (for epoxy resins)
A pplications
SURFAPOX MURAL is used in both newbuildings and renovation on all substrates (according to a study by our technical department) in clean rooms, production facilities, abattoirs, meat packing facilities, cheese factories, shops, kitchens, fishing industries....
P acking
15 kg kits (A + B)
Storage: 6 months in the original packaging at temperatures of 10° to 25°C
C olouring
As required per RAL colour chart
Other colours available on request
H ealth and safety
Keep packaging tightly closed
Store in a well-ventilated place
Take the normal precautions for handling a chemical
Epoxy resin: may have a sensitising effect on the body
Special hardener: dangerous compound (Aliphatic Polyamine)
Wear gloves and goggles during application
Do not eat, drink or smoke during application
Avoid inhalation of fumes
The information contained in this leaflet is provided for guidance based on our lnowledge. It does not constitute a waiver of our terms and conditions of sale an shall in no event imply any waranty by us or render us liable with regard to the use of our products. For each project, a study should be jointly conducted with us.
The choice of the thickness of SURFAPOX to be applied must take into account the quality of substrate, and the required finish and performance.