T he ready-to-use hardener SURFAQUARTZ consists of a crushed flint mix, a full grading range and cement CPA 52.5.
The production ofSURFAQUARTZin our factory of URVILLE according a rigourous process guarantees a perfect constancy of manufacturing, as for all the products of our range.
The qualities prevent this basic product from homogeneity defects of mix hardener / cement made on site.
Documentation of the product at the following format:
lease fill the form or get in contact with us if you need information on our product.
Drained screed: On fresh levelled and firstly floated concrete, apply SURFAQUARTZ by sprinkling 3 to5 kg/m².
Incorporated screed: After mixing (7-8 litres of water for 2 sacks 25 kg) on levelled concrete less 5 to 7 mm and first floated, apply SURFAQUARTZ 13 to 15 kg/m².
C haracteristics
Visible density: approx. 1.5
Coating density: approx. 2
Compression resistance on a block edge 5cm: > 60 MPA (600 bar)
Wear resistance (Taber test): weight loss 1.2 gr after 1000 rotations (agreement CEBTP P.V. n° 2352.6.934)
Binder and aggregates
Cement CPA 52.5
Crushed flint including 99% of silica
Hardeness Mohs scale: 7
Los Angeles : 16,6 (non gélif)Los Angeles: 16.6 (no gel)
C olouring
Colours available for SURFAQUARTZ: natural grey, red, brown, green, ochre, soft grey, dark grey or black, also in light colors: off-white, beige rose, light yellow or green.
Colouring by the incorporation of a hardener applied to fresh concrete involves colour variations due to the evaporation of water contained in the concrete. A floor treated in this way will attain its final appearance only after some use. The uniformity and brightness of the final colour cannot be compared to those of a paint, resins additions or tiles.
Samples are provided for guidance, but they can in no way be considered to be reference colours binding upon the company LES DURCISSEURS FRANCAIS.
J oints
SURFAQUARTZ is incorporated into a screed or concrete slab. The screeds or slabs will be divided by seals: contraction joints, expansion joints, insulation joints, construction joints. These joints must comply with the instructions of the DTU (Technical Institute for practice) or ITBTP (unified code for Building and Public Works) journal applicable to the selected solution.
As written in the DTU 13.3 (chapter 5 page 13) : "As the cracking of reinforced concrete or not is linked to the kind of material, the aim of the document is to prevent the density and prorogation of cracks without pretending to avoid them".
F inishing
In order to obtain a dust-protecting surface, it is necessary to spray our dust-protecting resin PULVERSTOP 80 gr/m². It will ovoid dehydration of the surface and cracking, by forming a reticular network stopping the milt. SURFAQUARTZ is a basic product for industrial surface. It is not advisable for the decorative floors of the public buildings.
If an industrial hardener is necessary for budget reason, it is recommanded to:
Apply SURFAPLAN, more elaborate than SURFAQUARTZ
Apply grout SURFAPLAN 13 to 15 kg/m² (not powdering)
Ovoid to apply the product in corridor or small room (all room where material of smoothing can not move easily or have access), room with many angles, or significant linear of wall edge, not reachable for machines
Foreseen the implementation of protections before the delivery of the building and after the cleaning of the site and apply two layers of the pore filler SURFANET E ou R.
S upplementary treatment
SURFAQUARTZ can be available in special formula with adding of synthetic fibers, silica or magnetic iron oxide, as all our products.
Special formulas are recommanded for grouts "High Performance".
P ackaging
Sacks 25 kg
Conservation – Storage: 6 months in original packaging in dry place
C are
SURFAQUARTZ offers a wear resistant and free-dust surface. As all these type of products, it is not water resistant but depending on the surface finishing, it can be enough impervious to ease care.
As this product is generally used for important surfaces, it is recommanded to clean the SURFAQUARTZ floors with self-washers and conventional detergents or other cleaning product with neutral pH (type SURFANET D). Solvent product (SURFANET C) or more treated with acid (SURFANET P) are needed for specific spots: painting, oil, rubber but only applied by professionals knowing the dosing of dilution, time of impregnation and abrasion of cleaning pad.
M aintenance
Apply SURFAQUARTZ improves the performances and appearance of the concrete (flooring or screed) but it does not modify the type of media that might be exposed to the traffic and be maintained as each screed or a concrete according to the “Maintenance of DTU 13.3” (Technical Institute for practice).
C olouring chart
Choice of colours.
Warning: "Despite all the care in the manufacturing of our products, a light difference in colour can appear between the colour chart and the performed coating"
Soft grey
Natural grey
Dark grey
Mouse grey
Light green
Light white
Soft brown
Pastel orange
Sunset yellow
Yellow 960
Light yellow 930
Clear yellow 960
Red 130
O ther products
The information contained in this leaflet is provided for guidance based on our lnowledge. It does not constitute a waiver of our terms and conditions of sale an shall in no event imply any waranty by us or render us liable with regard to the use of our products. For each project, a study should be jointly conducted with us.
The choice of the thickness of SURFAQUARTZ to be applied must take into account the quality of substrate, and the required finish and performance.