SURFAPOX THIXO "Finishing resin"
Film-formings of finishing
S URFAPOX THIXO is a thixotropic finishing resin, slightly off-white and free-solvent, with a slightly satin aspect after applying.
Two components:
SURFAPOX THIXO is thixotropic finishing resin with a "orange peel" aspect applied on SURFAPOX AL or epoxy mortar.
It makes the support slightly non-slip, a regular care is necessary.
Documentations of the product at the following format:
lease fill the form or get in contact with us if you need information on our product.
Apply SURFAPOX THIXO by roller with a min. temperature of 15°C, 200 gr per layer on dry, free-dust, free of oil and grase support.
The application can be done 24 hours after the production of self-levelling mortars type SURFAPOX or epoxy trowellable, provided that the coatings are enterely catalysed.
Foreseen a special preparation for an old support.
Floor using can be done 72 hours after application.
C haracteristics
Resin density (A+B): 1.19
Flash point: 79°C
Good resistance to chemical attacks
Good abrasive resistance
Adherence: 1.85 MPA
No dust emission
Easy to clean
Avoid shifting and shocks
AFNOR classification: Standard T36005 – Category I – Class 6B.
P ackaging
Kits 5 kg (A + B)
Storage: 6 months in the original packaging at temperature 5° to 25°C
H ealth and safety
Keep packaging tightly closed
Store in a well-ventilated place
Take normal safety precautions to handle a chemical
Epoxy resin: may have a sensitising effect on the body
Special hardener: dangerous compound (Aliphatic Polyamine)
Gloves, goggles during application
Do not eat, drink or smoke during application
Avoid inhalation of fumes
O ther products
The information contained in this leaflet is provided for guidance based on our lnowledge. It does not constitute a waiver of our terms and conditions of sale an shall in no event imply any waranty by us or render us liable with regard to the use of our products.
For each project, a study should be jointly conducted with us.